
Building an Energy Efficient Home

It is important to make the most of your home in order to reduce your carbon footprint as well as save money on energy bills. Fortunately, custom homebuilders in Tucson can help you achieve this goal. Keep reading if you are interested in picking up a few helpful tips for building an energy efficient home.

Choosing Efficient Appliances

The right appliances can keep your energy costs low and your comfort level high in your custom home in Marana, AZ. However, you must be able to identify an efficient appliance in order to reap the benefits. An appliance that has been rated as energy efficient may be more expensive than its less efficient alternative, but the money you will save in energy costs can eventually cover the difference. The most energy efficient home will make use of efficient refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines, and water heaters.

Picking Out a Roof

In addition to protecting you from the elements and perhaps supporting holiday decorations, your roof can impact the energy efficiency of your custom home. An energy efficient roof will do an effective job of separating the air inside your house from the air outside your house. You can also have your custom homebuilder install a roof that reflects heat and sunlight rather than absorb it and filter it into the house.

Adding Proper Insulation

If your custom home already features efficient appliances and a reflective roof, proper insulation can seal the deal in terms of energy efficiency. Insulating your attic can help to prevent the transfer of heat into and out of the home. This means that the cool air that your air conditioner circulates through your custom home will stay there instead of escaping outdoors and wasting energy.

If you are interested in building an energy efficient home, call Insight Homes at (520) 575-6081. We are custom homebuilders in Tucson who employ a variety of energy saving techniques to help you make the most of your house. Feel free to visit our website or stop by and see us to find out more about what we can do for you today.